apple galettes

Everyone loves a fun-sized galette

Everyone loves a fun-sized galette

This recipe can either make 6 individual galettes or 2 larger sized ones. To really put it over the top, serve with cider caramel and whipped cream that friends and family can help themselves to. Wrap and freeze any dough you won’t use right away.

apple galette recipe

Pastry Ingredients:

  • 2 cups all-purpose flour

  • 1 TBS. sugar

  • 1/4 tsp. salt

  • 1 1/2 sticks cold, unsalted butter (or 12 TBS. or 6 oz.) chopped into small cubes.

  • Ice water

Pastry Instructions:

  1. Use a food processor, pastry cutter, or your hands. (I prefer using my Cuisinart because I’ve gotten used to doing it that way). Mix together flour, sugar, salt. Scatter butter throughout and, if using the food processor (Cuisinart) pulse together until you have mostly pea sized chunks of butter/flour. Some will be larger, some smaller. At this point drizzle in water a little bit at a time, pulsing to incorporate. You really want to add it in just a little at a time, until dough begins to come together and can gently be pressed together (if it still crumbles, it needs a few more drops. Whatever you do you don’t want to add too much water and make it too wet). If you’re using your hands, work quickly to pinch and rub the butter into the dough, taking care not to overwork it. Drizzle and stir ice water into the dough until it just comes together and can be pressed together.

  2. Press dough into either 2 flat disk-shaped rounds or 6 smaller disks. Wrap and put into the refrigerator for a couple of hours or overnight.

To make galettes:


  • 6 firm/tart apples (granny smith, jonagold, braeburn, mutsu, and winesap are all some good baking apples)

  • 1/4 cup sugar

  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

  • Squeeze of lemon juice

  • Pre-made dough, taken out to soften at room temperature while you prepare the apples

  • Extra flour for rolling

  • Optional (for crust): 1 egg

  • Optional (for crust): a couple drops of milk


  1. Preheat oven to 400°. Prepare 2 trays (if baking all dough at once) lined with parchment, foil, or silpat liners

  2. Peel apples and slice them into 1/4” thick slices. If you are making the smaller tarts, slices should be about half the normal length (so, about 1-2”). Toss sliced apples with sugar, cinnamon, and lemon juice.

  3. On a floured surface, roll the disks of dough out thin. You can sort of press together cracks at the edges, but a few cracks are OK! This type of tart is rustic in nature, forgiving, and beautiful in its imperfections, so don’t go crazy trying to get a perfect circle.

  4. As you roll out each dough circle, transfer to the trays. Fill the middle of each dough circle with apple slices, leaving plenty of dough around the edge to fold over—around 2 inches. Just pile the apples on without arranging them, putting a generous amount on each but not so much that they can’t be contained. Next, fold dough up and over the outer apples to form a secure border. Pinch together any cracks that don’t hold the apples in but again, these are beautiful in their imperfections. Repeat process with all the tarts.

  5. If you are making the egg wash (“Optional”) for the tarts, whisk together an egg with a couple drops of milk, then brush the crust with egg mixture.

  6. Place trays into preheated oven. They will take around 40-45 minutes to cook, but at around 20 minutes check them and rotate and switch the trays around, so they cook evenly. Everyone’s oven is a little bit different, but the tarts are done once the crust is deep golden brown and the apples are soft and bubbling. No worries if some of the juice from the cooking apples escapes. It happens. Serve warm or at room temperature.

Click for Cider Caramel Recipe