winter summer rolls

winter summer rolls with peanut sauce

winter summer rolls with peanut sauce

winter rolls recipe

Makes at least a dozen rolls

Think of the vegetable ingredients as suggestions—get creative and mix and match with what you have in season. Use a sharp knife to get the vegetables thin, or use a slicing tool such as a mandoline or food processor to make fast work of it. This is a fun group activity, and a great one with kids.


  • 1 package round spring roll rice wrappers (the ones I used were 22 cm. but any size is OK. You want the dry ones, sometimes also called Spring Roll Skin)

  • 1 dozen shiitake mushrooms, sliced thinly (substitute any mushroom of choice, or sliced tofu)

  • toasted sesame oil

  • 6 scallions, halved and then sliced vertically into approx. 3” strips

  • 2 large carrots, cut into very thin matchsticks (julienne)

  • 6 tuscan kale leaves (aka lacinato), sliced crosswise into very thin ribbons about 2” - 3” long

  • 4 red cabbage leaves, sliced crosswise into very thin ribbons about 2” - 3” long

  • 2 large Jerusalem artichokes (aka sunchokes), peeled and sliced into very thin matchsticks. Note: they are knobbly so no need for perfection!

  • 1 medium pink daikon radish or similar, sliced into very thin matchsticks

  • optional: cooked rice vermicelli noodles


  1. In a medium skillet, heat about 2 TBS sesame oil and sauté sliced mushrooms, stirring occasionally, until they start to brown a bit. Sprinkle soy sauce on lightly to taste, and add a bit more oil if they seem dry. The idea is to bring up the flavor but not overwhelm it. Sauté mushrooms for a total of 5-7 minutes, or until they are browning slightly and a little toasty

  2. Clear a work surface and have all your chopped vegetables handy. In a shallow pan or platter put some warm water for soaking wrappers. You’ll only need to soak for about 30 seconds to a minute, so work on one at a time. After the soaked wrapper becomes pliable, move it to a clean plate and smooth it out. Arrange sliced vegetables (and rice vermicelli if you are using) vertically to your liking, taking up the center third of the wrapper and leaving about an inch at the top and the bottom. Think in terms of colored stripes, packing the strips close together with a somewhat even distribution. I like to make 2 layers, but there are no rules! Get creative! It will taste good no matter how it looks.

  3. Fold top and bottom inward and slightly over the vegetable ends. Then, fold the left side tightly over the vegetables like a book. Tuck in that end snugly around the vegetables and begin rolling the whole thing toward the remaining loose end until it is closed. The wrapper will naturally stick to itself to seal. Serve with peanut sauce or preferred sauce. Keeps for at least a day, covered, in the refrigerator.

Peanut sauce recipe

makes about 1 cup


  • 1/2 cup smooth, unsalted, unsweetened peanut butter (stir well if it’s the natural kind)

  • 2” piece ginger, peeled and roughly chopped

  • 1 garlic clove, roughly chopped

  • 1/4 cup soy sauce

  • 1/4 cup toasted sesame oil

  • 3 TBS maple syrup

  • 2 TBS rice vinegar (unsweetened)

  • Optional: a dash of hot sauce

  • 4 TBS hot water, as needed


Put all ingredients except water in the blender and whir until smooth. Add hot water at the end, as needed to lighten and loosen the sauce a bit. Add it a bit at a time until you get the consistency you like. Serve at room temperature. Keeps for at least a week in the refrigerator.